Got my first game in last night against Chad and his Xerxis list.
Tyrant Xerxis
- Cyclops Brute
- Titan Gladiator
Aptimus Marketh
Cataphract Arcuarii (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Cataphract Cetrati (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Totem Hunter (Choir)Chad won the roll off and decided to go second. My deployment looked something like this:
First turn:
- eFeora put Ignite on the TFG, Escort on herself, and 2 focus on the Redeemer.
- Redeemer is out of range to hit without good scatters. Need AD targets if going first. If not, just run two Jacks instead.
- TFG shield walled up the field, they should have ran.
Second turn:
- Repenter and Vassal ran to my right flank to deal with Totem Hunter. They missed. Should have played more defensively. Should have lost it to Acarii but didn't thanks to poor rolling.
- Way overextended the TFG. Got close enough that set defense didn't matter. Should have shield walled and +1 DEF'd. Defensive!
Third turn:
- Feora got 11 fire tokens(!) Sat confidently at ARM 28.
- Forgot that Repenters have chain weapons, would have been good against the shield wall.
Feora ended it herself on 4 after the Titan, Xerxis, and some Centari killed the Avatar. Ignite, charge, hit, cut him in half, buy-boost-boost for game.
Thoughts on overall model performance.
- The Redeemer did okay, it got fire tokens everywhere without killing anything. It did some minor damage but nothing worth mentioning. Given the ARM of my opponent, I was happy.
- The TFG did okay, even though I fucked up with them. With a more defensive formation I should have pressured a defensive feat with fire. The UA was helpful in putting fire tokens out. UA's minifeat helped on a few occasions.
- Piper did Tough the whole game and three or four TFG made their rolls. He'd be better with better use of the TFG.
- Avatar choked, getting 2 focus on charge turn. Failed to do anything with some bad rolling. Should have just walked up, gazed, and enlivened.
- Having the Covenant around would have helped alot. Inhospitable ground really limited what my Jacks could do when it was time. Might have been able to prevent Fury as well, saving the Avatar. In retrospect, I would have had them instead of the Piper. Will play a few more games, with atleast one against Ret, before I make any revisions.
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