First game was against Maz' Khador. He ran something like:
Kommander Strakhov
- Torch
- War dog
Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss
Man-o-war Demolition Corps (Leader and 4 Grunts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Man-o-war Kovnik
Overall we both made alot of mistakes with our lists.
Was too aggressive with TFG and Daughters, need to keep them back to give the Redeemer time to do its thing and make use of Set Defense. TFG are amazingly difficult to kill against alot of things when charged. Still, I think I'd rather have Zealots with UA if I had more points or Errants if I had more points and DW.
Was able to hide Feora in a forest and use Gorman to aim sprays. He's immune to fire!
Charging full focus laden, battle-hymned Crusader + Feora were unable to kill Torch. Need to think about how damage breaks down and when to use Ignite.
Crusader with 3 focus gets 5 attacks if its able to walk up and smack someone. If it has to charge, this goes down to 4 attacks with some extra damage on one attack. Pows are base 18 and 14, 20 and 16 with Battle Hymn or Ignite, 22 and 18 with both. Average damage is 7+(POW-ARM) * attacks.
(Battle hymn or Ignite) (walk/charge)
vs ARM 17: 46/39 # Can get away with 2 focus on walk up.
vs ARM 18: 41/35
vs ARM 19: 36/31 # Will have trouble killing on the charge
vs ARM 20: 31/27 # Will have trouble killing
(Battle hymn AND Ignite) (walk/charge)
vs ARM 17: 56/47 # Might be able to get away with 1 focus on walk up, will get away with 2.
vs ARM 18: 51/43 # Will get away with 2 focus on walk up, might get away with 2 on charge(32)
vs ARM 19: 46/39 # Will get away with 2 focus on walk up.
vs ARM 20: 41/35 # Might get away with 2 focus on walk up (32).
vs ARM 21: 36/31
vs ARM 22: 31/27
vs ARM 23: 26/24
So, with Battle Hymn I can kill ARM 17 with 2 focus and I'll have trouble killing ARM 20+. With Battle Hymn and Ignite, I can kill ARM 17-19 with 2 focus and I'll have trouble killing ARM 22+. Seems like Ignite on the Crusader is the way to go. First turn focus allocation becomes 2 to the Redeemer, 2 for Escort, 2 for Ignite. Second turn 2 upkeeps, 2 to the Redeemer, camp 2. Third turn wild fire.
Anyway, won that game. Should have been more careful with Feora, though. He could have won it.
Next two games were against the same person whose name I don't know, at Brookhurst Hobbies. He plays Menoth. The first list was an Amon tier list with:
High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
- Reckoner
Idrian Skirmishers (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Idrian Skirmishers Chieftain & Guide (Prey: Daughters)
Idrian Skirmishers (Leader and 9 Grunts)
- Idrian Skirmishers Chieftain & Guide (Prey: Gorman)
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
Vassal of Menoth
This was my first game against Menoth and probably wasn't a good representation of the faction. It was a pretty onesided game with the Redeemer nuking the infantry, followed by the Vanquisher nuking the infantry, TFG engaging what was left. Daughters trapping the Enlivened Reckoner and then the Crusader charging to kill it. Covenant trapped Amon in no spells and game was called.
Second game against the same person. This time they used:
Grand Scrutator Severius
- Blessing of Vengeance
- Templar
Avatar of Menoth
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Daughters of the Flame (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Exemplar Errants (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer
The Wrack (3 wracks)
Very much like my Sevvy list so I knew what to expect. He played very passively which let me run riot on his troops. Lack of Reach to get around troops hurt here but wasn't too bad. The Avatar was a pain in the ass to kill and could have a problem. Definitely need to think more about using him with DW where he's definitely a problem. The Redeemer did really well in this game. A+.
So far this list stands at 3/3 with 1/1 against Maz and 2/2 against the other Menoth dude at BH.