Got in three games tonight, so just the overviews and I'm pretty fuzzy on lists.
First game had eFeora against eCaine. Redeemer sets Caine on fire turn two with a decent deviation. Fire doesn't go out and he takes 7 damage. Ouch. Feeling pressured by the fire, he advances closer looking for a quick victory. Too close. Avatar and Vanquisher clear out a path through some Stormknights to give the Reckoner a clear Assault lane. Menoth wins by assassination.
Second game pitted Harbinger against eSkarre. DJ gets within 11" of the Avatar and dies. Daughters and Errants with Guided Hand run riot on Raiders and Bloodwitches. Feat pins everything but Skarre and a Seether who have no choice but to feat and run up to contest objectives. Gorman splashes the feated Seether with blackoil, Errants surround Skarre, Covenant and Avatar lock her down. Menoth wins by concession.
Third game saw Harbie versus Terminus. Daughters and Errants push up hard, securing the zone early. Terminus retaliates. He and his army kill alot of shit but it served to effectively jam things up. Nine souls but Terminus has no one contesting the middle zone. Menoth wins by scenario.
Very happy with how the lists are running. At no point did I ever feel stretched for time. Even with the mistakes that my opponents made, I feel like I could have dealt with the right choices. Another solid month of playing and maybe I'll be ready for SoCal Smackdown.
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