Saturday, June 18, 2011

pSevvy 35pts v1 vs Chad's Scavvy

Got in a game with Chad tonight. My first game against Scaverous and Chad's second time running him, first at 35pts. After a little reviewing of the new caster, I felt pretty confident that my eFeora would not be strong enough to deal with the Lich Lord and pulled out my old favorite, Severius. Our armies:

 - Deathripper/Nightwretch (Can't remember which arc it was)
 - Erberus
 - Deathjack
Bile Thralls (Leader and 5 Grunts)
The Withershadow Combine
Pistol Wraith
Machine Wraith
Warwitch Siren

Grand Scrutator Severius
 - Blessing of Vengeance
Avatar of Menoth
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Daughters of the Flame (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Exemplar Errants (Leader and 9 Grunts)
 - Exemplar Errant Officer & Standard Bearer
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
The Covenant of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth

Sevvy wins the roll off and goes first. Jacks line up on either side of him in the middle of the 10" line, support immediately behind. In the AD phase, Errants go on the center-left and Daughters on the right.

Scavvy mirrored Sevvy on the other side; front and center with Jacks at his side. The Withershadow Combine formed a second rank followed by bile thralls in the rear, which I thought was an interesting choice. Both Wraiths went left and the Warwitch stuck with the Jacks. Deathjack creeped up on the field across from the Errants.

Daughters run up to a far forest and some rock outcropping some 12" across the field, spread up as much as they could with their CMD 8. Errants are much more conservative with their movement and bound up to the outer edge of a forest just outside of the advanced deployment zone. Sevvy swaggers forward 5" with confidence and puts Eye of Menoth, giving everyone within his generous 16" Control radius +1 to all attack and damage rolls, on himself; Vision, allowing a single model to ignore damage the first time its hit, on the Avatar; and Defender's Ward, giving an entire unit +2 to DEF and ARM, on the Errants. Gorman zips to some nearby rock outcroppings, Jack and the Covenant wall off Sevvy.

Deathjack put Death Ward on himself, bumping ARM to 21 and letting him pick the damage column, is tempted by some Errants sitting at the edge of his threat range and swoops in. Wide placement just barely prevents him from getting more than a single dude. Once again, Deathjack bemoans his lack of Reach. Arcnode runs up the field with reckless abandon as does the Machine Wraith. Pistol Wraith chills in the woods with the Daughters. Erberus comes up to block LOS for his master who follows up behind. Scavvy arcs an Excarnate to one of the Daughters. DEF 17 from concealment falls to a boosted FOC 7 and she's instantly torn asunder by the POW 13. Worst of all, when Excarnate kills a living model, it allows Scavvy to create an undead grunt three inches from himself to strengthen one of his remaining units; which he gave to his bile thralls. It became instantly apparent why he had positioned them the way he did as Chad placed the Thrall on the table almost 7" ahead of the yet unactivated unit! They activate and the Daughter-turned-Abomination moves up to purge on an Errant while the rest of the Bile Thralls lumber their 5" forward. Combine move towards DJ.

Errants activate. Four charge DJ, one charges one of the Combine, a few run up to engage things  in front, a few hang back in forest, as far away from Bile-fication as they can. On Combine hit and kill, Quick Work grants me a ranged attack which hits Abby of the Combine for 1. Once again, Errants bemoan their POW 10 bows. Against DJ two of the MAT 8 after Eye of Menoth Errants, needing 5s to hit, miss, while the other two POW 10 Weapon Master charges barely plink his ARM 21. Daughters run to engage the Thralls, the node, and Caster. Fearing the telekinesis next turn and at a lack of melee targets, Choir leapfrogs up ahead of the Jacks and sings Shielding, preventing my Jacks from being targeted by spells. Avatar charges the Machine Wraith dead and traps the node with its gaze, forcing it to move torwards it if it moves. Vassal gives the Blessing of Vengeance Enliven, allowing it to advance after being damaged, and it runs up close to the Combine. Gorman weaves back around to the left to be in position of both Jacks. Covenant walks up and almost invokes the Lawgiver's Creed to blunt the incoming feat but then realize that Sevvy is well within 21" of Scavvy. They prevent Knockdowns by reading Powers of Faith instead. Sevvy walks up behind the Covenant and Gorman and pops feat. Divine Might prevents the enemy warcaster from receiving focus during their next turn and prevents spell casting while within it. It's a royal fuck you to Scavvy whose feat is based on casting spells and spending focus. To follow up, he arcs Ashes to Ashes through the Blessing into the back of the Errant who killed one of the Combine. A2A is an interesting spell in that if it hits a target, it goes on to hit the nearest d6 enemy models within 5" of the original target. It's base POW of 10 is unimpressive but easily increased to 13 with Eye of Menoth and Severius' affinity with BoV granting him +2 damage on the first arced spell. With a COST of 4 focus, its expensive and the purely random nature of d6 make it unreliable but with a high roll, it has the potentinal to be one of the best offensive spells in the game. I rolled a 6. It kills the two remaining WSC members, a single Bile Thrall, and pings Scavvy for 6. DJ and Erberus were both also tagged with minimal damage.

Scavvy starts his turn with no focus and not alot of options. Pistol Wraith comes out and death chills the Avatar, forcing it to sacrifice its movement or its activation. This is significantly more powerful than Knockdown as it can't be shaken off with focus nor is it preventable if it hits. Warwitch Siren seduces the sole Daughter engaging the Thralls and forces her to move away and take a swing at a fellow Daughter. Kinky. She misses but disengaging the Bile Thralls is pretty big. They activate and purge the remaining Daughters, I think one Errant, and his own poor arcnode for an amazing 10 boxes of damage. Deathjack upkeeps Death Ward on himself and kills the four DEF 14 ARM 18 Errants engaging himself without breaking a sweat, collecting four souls in the process. Erberus moves up to engage the Bless of Vengeance, preventing a charge the next turn.

Deathjack has four souls and will get six focus next turn. If I don't stop him, I'm screwed. I know BoV isn't up to the task of taking on ARM 21 and the Avatar is locked down by the Pistol Wraith. Focus allocation sees Defender's Ward dropped, 3 focus to the Blessing, 4 on Sevvy. The plan to neutralize Deathjack commences. One of the remaining Errants runs inbetween the two Helljacks to engage the Lich Lord and another positions himself careful just over half an inch away from the Death Jack as to not engage it. The rest run around like ninnies. Gorman walks up as close as he can to the Errant staring down the Deathjack, 3"(~4.5 from DJ) and attempt to peg him(My own Errant) in the back. DEF 12 -2 from Backstrike leaves Gorman needing only a 5 to hit. He rolls a 4. It missed but will still deviate onto DJ 33+change% of the time. It scatters away in the direction of Erberus but falls short due minimum deviation distance. First time that's ever worked against me. That miss signals the end of the game. Either I win now or Scavvy does next turn. Looking desperately for an  assassination vector, Sevvy sees an opening. Choir sing their hymn of Battle, giving the Blessing of Vengeance and the Avatar +2 to their attack and damage rolls. This brings BoVs MAT up to 10(12 on the charge!) and POW 15. Covenant runs up past Scavvy, giving Sevvy a good charge target. Sevvy charges and then attempts to get Death Sentence onto Scavvy, allowing me to reroll misses. A lack of foresight with the Errant's movement earlier gave Scavvy an extra +4 DEF for being engaged, bringing him up to 18. Sevvy needs an 9 to hit, boosts, and misses. Oh well. Now the tricks. Vassal activates and grants the Blessing of Vengeance an Ancillary Attack, allowing it to make an immediate attack with the weapon of its choice. BoV taps Erberus with his repulsor shield, pushing him 1" away, and freeing up the charge lane. With three focus, hitting on 4s, and doing dice-1 damage, the Blessing was able to dispatch the Lich with his Halberd. Game Menoth.

Thoughts later.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

eFeora 35pts v3 vs Chris's Montenabra

Forgot to write this down after it happened and since forgotten most of the details. A combination of poor play and poor luck cost me. His Seether missile did an absurd amount of damage to the right column to take out the Avatar's sword arm. Mechanics failed to repair him twice, and that was pretty much it.

Need to keeps infantry back and watch for Overruns. Next time should be easy.

eFeora 35pts v3 vs Jay's Kaylessa

Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper
 - Discordia
Dawnguard Sentinels (Leader and 9 Grunts)
 - Griffon
 - Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard
Mage Hunter Strikeforce (Leader and 9 Grunts)
 - Mage Hunter Commander
Stormfall Archers (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Mage Hunter Assassin

Jay wins the roll off and decides to deploy first. Sentinels line up across the middle with Discordia on the right side and the Griffon on the left. MHSF plop down into a forest on my right flank and MHA on the other side. Archers and Kaelyssa form up behind the Sentinels. My deployment is a loose gunboat with the Avatar and Templar in front, Redeemer in the middle, TFG on both flanks, support and Feora behind.

Turn one Jay advances up into position. I respond by moving the gunboat laterally closer to the MHSF. Redeemer takes its three 16" shots, just short, but with some decent scatter rolls, kills I believe two of the dirty elves and sets a Sentinel on fire. Vassals enlivens my two ARM 21 walls, Choir sings passage, Covenant says no knockdowns, and Choir and Mechanic hang in the back.

Turn two. Jay kills a Vassal and two Choir boys with Phantom Seeking Stormfall Archers. Forgot what the MHSF did this turn, wasn't really important I think? Sentinels and the rest move behind a linear obstacle some 11" away from my line. On my turn I decided it was time to try and wipe out the MHSF with feat. Redeemer turns its incendiary rocket spam on the bunched up Sentinels but with some bad deviations and some really high damage rolls, I was only able to get four fire tokens on enemies. Feora activates, charges a mechanic up field, fire steps, loses her charge target and makes an attack against her Templar to set it on fire. Pop feat, kill 5 MHSF, and sits at ARM 23. Rest of the gunboat gunboats.

Turn three. Jay loads up Discordia with focus and charges the DEF 15 ARM 23 Feora. Miss, miss, hits and despite being  dice-6, puts 8 points on the firelady. Sentinels get one charge on Feora, three on the Avatar, and five on TFG. Nothing on Feora, superficial damage to the Avatar, and lose the TFG on that flank. MHA positions herself to charge next turn. Archers and MHSF take out the rest of my Choir and Vassals. My go and I'm poised to wipe out Jays Army. Templar gets 2 focus, Avatar rolls 3. Feora aims and sprays the Avatar to catch three Sentinels and an Archer, misses two of the Sentinels. Templar activates and manages to hit Discordia once in four 6+ attacks. Avatar, inspired by the Templar, flails around ineffectually and leaves Discordia with one point of movement remaining. Redeemer walks over and drops a point blank AOE on a group of Sentinels, setting a few on fire. Oof.

At this point I messed up. Jay asks me if Discordia can headbutt Feora without focus and I said yes. It didn't even dawn on me until I got home that you do need to spend a focus to use Power Attacks. Too used to playing against Khador with all their free power attacks I guess. The headbutt ended up hitting and knocking down Feora. After that MHSF swooped in like the vultures they are and squished her with some good rolling. Without the knockdown Jay still had a shot at winning with the MHA but it would have been dicey and depended on him giving the MHA phantom seeker inside of the Covanent's no spells aura.

 --Jay's version--

Patrick and I played a thirty-five point caster kill game after work tonight. Patrick's list was:
And mine was:

10x Mage hunter strike force + UA
10x Dawnguard sentinel + UA
4x Stormfall archers
Mage hunter assassin

Retribution won the roll-off and setup centrally. Mage hunters setup left flank in a forest. Assassin setup right, behind some buildings (again). Menoth setup castled, center. Choir made all the 'jacks untargetable (whee!), so Retribution started moving forward to engage in assault. Then Redeemer and Feora started turning up the temperature. Feora ran forward and commenced burnination. EVERYTHING WAS ON FIRE. Oh, it burned.

About half the Retribution army reached the Menoth lines. The remaining archers and mage hunters started popping choir and vassals. Sentinels charged temple flameguard, Avatar, and Feora, dropping the flameguard. Discordia charged Feora (oops!), standing right between the Avatar and Templar, and gave her a few good punches. Not enough. Kaylessa sniped Feora for a few points (and stealing two focus), then turned her attention to Gorman and dropped him.

Avatar and Templar, lessened by the loss of the choir, laid into Discordia, missing too many swings and leaving it standing with one box. Feora flamed all the sentinels, incinerating another three.

Last turn. Discordia rolled the bones and head-butted Feora to the ground. Rar! Kaylessa prep'd to cast Phantom Hunter on the assassin so she could attack Feora *through* the Avatar, but it wasn't necessary. The mage hunters advanced and finished Feora off. Game to Retribution!

Lessons learned:

1. Feora burns! Oh, the horrible, horrible burning. Make it stop.
2. Sometimes a knocked down enemy caster is better than an injured one.
3. Sequence kills with reach weaponmasters to allow them to attack units they didn't charge (but are still in range).
4. Kaylessa can see through stealth! Die, Gorman, die!
5. Stormfall archers remain amazing. Would rather have had four more than Griffon in this match.
6. Patrick strongly recommends Ayana & Holt for Retribution against Menoth.
7. Never give up. Never. Ever. Discordia with one box left won the game.

Tense game! Great advice. Learn so much more, the more I screw up.

Thanks, Patrick!

eFeora 35pts v3 vs Steve's Old Witch

Had an ...interesting game with Steve last night. My first ever against the Old Witch of Khador! It was such a mess of odd events, bad decisions, and poor rolling that my initial conclusion was that we just had a Burn After Reading-like affair, where we were sure something definitely happened but no idea what to make of it. Thinking on it a bit more, there's a fair bit to be learned. Anyway, the Feora list I've settled on for now:

against Steve's

Zevanna Agha, the Old Witch of Khador
 - Behemoth
 - Scrapjack
Great Bears of Gallowswood
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts)
Winter Guard Infantry (Leader and 9 Grunts)
 - Winter Guard Infantry Officer & Standard
 - 1 Winter Guard Infantry Rocketeer
Winter Guard Mortar Crew (Leader and Grunt)
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich

I won the roll off and decided to go second after seeing Steve's general lack of Advanced Deploy. The Redeemer is really only useful against AD Units on the first round. If Eyriss were on the board it would be worth trying to pick her off but with only the Manhunter, I gave it a pass. Steve deployed wide. Going from my left to right, he had Behemoth, ScrapJack, Winterguard (A line of dudes over a foot long!), and finally Mortar on the 10" line with Old Witch behind the Jacks, Joe behind the WG, and Ternions spread out across the whole thing making full use of their CMD 9.

I set up on my left, across from Old With and his Jacks. This gave me alot of space away from the Mortar, Great Bears, and some of the WG. Deployment was the usual brick. Two heavies up front, Redeemer behind and inbetween. TFG off to one side, support and Feora behind.

Steve moves everything up, converging on the right. Manhunter runs up the right flank.

My go I decide to try and shift my army laterally. I failed miserably at this, getting my support bunched up which would go on to cause problems throughout the game. Redeemer manages to kill one dude. Go Redeemer. Hoping to take advantage of the linear obstacle, I run the TFG up.

Steve moves everything up some more. Manhunter gets scary close. Big B and the Mortar try and shoot stuff but miss. They try and shoot stuff but miss every turn for the rest of the game so I won't even talk about Steve's AOEs anymore. Winterguard roll up and obliterate the unit of TFG. Rough. Scrappy goes right.

Support gets straighten up a bit but still isn't here it should be. Redeemer takes some shots and kills another singular Winterguardsmen. Go Redeemer. Forget if I moved my Jacks up or not. Feora roasts the Manhunter with her massive flamethrower.

Here's where it starts getting weird. Behemoth walks up to behind the linear obstacle. Khador's only arcnode runs up suspiciously close to the Templar. Old witch pops feat: Everything takes a POW 14 if they move closer to her and can't charge. Goodness. He arcs gallows at the Templar, hits. It's a d6 drag with a free attack. Steve rolls a 6(!), putting the Templar in a very bad spot. He makes his compelled attack hoping NOT to to do damage, as not to trigger Enliven. With the Templar's shield he's at dice-9, but rolls an 11. 2pts of damage and Templar gets to make a full advance(By the way Steve, I think should have taken a POW 14 here but didn't?) strolling over to within walking distance of the Old Witch. The Templar is in a very good spot. Winterguard and Great Bears curse Scrappy's melee prowess as they run to get in the way of the Templar. Witch pops feat, anything that moves closer to her in her CTRL takes a POW 14 and while within they can't make special attacks or charge.

At this point the game is mine. Starting with the little stuff, just because I can. Gorman tries to move up into the feat, just because he can, but doesn't survive the POW 14. Vassal wonders too close, survives, but realizes he can't special attack inside of the feat. Avatar gazes before moving up to engage Scrapjack. Redeemer goes Bear hunting and actually hits! Kills the one easy and sets the other two on fire. Go Redeemer. Everything finishes except for Feora and Templar. Wanting to clear stuff out of the way and get some fire for feat, I sprayed the Templar. Dice-7 melts off the Templar's flail, completely shutting down my win. Oof. Collect two focus for feat and set three unimportant things on fire. Disappointing.

At this point the game is Steve's. Behemoth wrecks the Templar. Winterguard flail at the Avatar ineffectively. Great Bears charge in to cripple the Avatar. Now I'm in a very bad position. Scrappy attacks the Avatar some more and then Old Witch teleports him back to her.

Feora runs up the left flank behind Big B some safe distance away. Avatar killed the Bears? Or he didn't, I don't remember.

Scrappy Gallows Feora, gets another 6 and drags her all the way over to Big B. Feora's base DEF of 15 will be hard to deal with but she's only camping 2 focus; don't think ARM 19 will be enough. Ternion Ice Cages Feora to bring her DEF down to 13, so much for that. Behemoth turns around. Still needs 7s to hit and surprisingly enough, he's only doing dice-5 damage. Inaccurate and pillowfisted, he still manages to put a good 7 points onto my favorite fire lady.

Somehow I survived. Feora firesteps over Scrappy, burning the ice wizard who froze her the previous turn and threatened some free strikes this, and charges the Old Witch who should not have been so close to the action in hindsight. Game Menoth.

So! What did we learn?

- Really need to practice my lateral shift. If I were facing a faster list, I would have been punished very much for that mistake. Thankfully since we both had attrition heavy lists and I created so much space away from his infantry with my deployment, I had some time to recover.

- Suppose this is more of an experience thing, but I need to better judge which hymns the Choir should be using. Stopping the Gallows would have been big in my favor.

- Need to learn wtf to do with my TFG. In this game they would have best served on the flank to tie up the Manhunter and then run off to engage Winterguard. They still would have been absolutely shredded in one go but it would have been at a more opportune time, where other options would be more desirable.

- Need to learn when to shift gears from offensive to defensive. I /should/ have pulled My Templar back with my Enliven. He was way too far forward. Without Choir support, the assassination run would have been tricky(9+ to hit, need one good hit, probably would have had to clear out a guy with an initial attack). It's so hard to play defensively when the heretic warcaster is so close.

List-wise I'm happy for now, no changes. One thought would be to drop TFG for Nicia and another Mechanic but that would be more just for fun.

Suggestions for Steve: Play 50pts! I really think you need a second heavy but there really aren't points for it. Downgrading Big B would probably be the best bet at 35 but that hurts.

eFeora 35pts v3

Forgot to post this. Pretty happy with it so far.

Feora, Protector of the Flame
 - Redeemer (Bonded)
 - Templar
Avatar of Menoth
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Temple Flameguard (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
The Covenant of Menoth
Vassal Mechanik
Vassal Mechanik
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ran the pKreoss list twice on Monday. Played very poorly both games, totally misusing my feat. The first game was against eHaley and I squeaked out a win there. Second game against Khador didn't end so well. Also played a third game with my pSevvy list against Khador. Still need to figure out what I want to do with the 7pts BoV occupies. Crusader?

Played eFeora vs Steve's Trolls tonight and I've got a much better understanding about how the list should be built and run now I think.Need to slow the fuck down.

Want to try out Testament once I get eFeora worked out.